Friday, October 12, 2012

New book!

I'm currently on page 121 reading "Crown of Vengence" by Mercedes Lacky and James Mallory First of all I've read all of G.R.R.Martins books and many " otherworldly " books but this one has , by far the most unpronounceable names, making it incredibly difficult to follow characters without stopping to re-pronounce their names. 
This is another " special girl" YA story that was just dropped into a dystopian genre, to sell the book, by riding on the coat tails of the other famous books. I have the feeling that, one author is a YA writer and the other is a "genre specific" writer of adventure stories. It's been a difficult read so far.
I find myself thinking, I already know this tale, but DANG, get to the action already
This thing is draining the life force out of me right now, and I'm not enjoying that, but I will continue to forge ahead....sigh..

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Blog 10/12/13

This is the beginning of a new blog. I've had 3 they've all gotten lost, here and there! Hopefully this will be one that stays around. I read ALOT! So far this year, 115 books have passed before my eyes, and I have no,problem saying exactly what I think about them!
Hence: I HAVE NO FILTER AT ALL. I will be using this to review books as I always  do, and my reviews can also be found on Goodreads. There I have reviewed at least 250 books and counting!